Category: Cybersecurity

15 Ways to Protect your Business from a Cyber Attack

Did you know? 1 in 5 small businesses will suffer a cyber breach this year 81% of all cyber breaches happen to small and medium sized businesses 97% of breaches could have been prevented with today’s technology In this day and age, a cyberattack is, unfortunately, more of an inevitability than just a mere threat. So,…

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Windows 7 End of Life – 5 Key Questions Answered

Microsoft will terminate support for Windows 7 on 14th January 2020. Windows 7 is currently in a phase Microsoft describes as “extended support” but by 14th January 2020 all support ends and no further security updates will be issued. In this blog we have provided answers to some of the most common questions regarding “end…

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Today is Safer Internet Day

Did you know that 50% of small businesses have experienced a data breach within the last 12 months? And ‘Internal Vulnerabilities’ are responsible for 70% of those data breaches!!! You’re probably asking “what the heck does that mean to me?”. In simple terms there is a 1 in 2 chance you will face some sort of compromise to your…

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6 Steps to Keeping Your Data Safe

Much like biological viruses, there are many ransomware threats circulating the web. Some are well known, while some are new and others are not yet known or developed.  With every occurrence, the sophistication of these viruses is increasing in a multitude of ways, including how they spread and how they encrypt data. As your IT service provider,…

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Cyber breaches are a matter of when, not if

You hear on the news all of the time about big cyber attacks on large corporations, and even government agencies. The trouble with this news coverage is that is suggests a distorted view of who cyber criminals are targeting. These attacks are not solely hitting large organisations. Small businesses represent a significant portion of those…

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4 key Components of a Robust Security Plan Every Business Must Know

Most businesses are now technology dependent. This means security concerns aren’t just worrisome to large corporate enterprises anymore, but also the neighborhood sandwich shop, the main street tax advisor, and the local non-profit. Regardless of size or type, practically any organization has valuable digital assets and data that should not be breached under any circumstances.…

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80% of downtime is due to human error. Don’t let someone’s bad day bring your business to a screeching halt!

Can your business withstand unplanned short or long-term interruptions? 66% of small businesses have no tested Business Continuity or Disaster Recovery plans in place. As a small business owner, you owe it to yourself, your employees, stakeholders, and any customer you serve to honestly answer this one question: Is your business resilient enough to withstand…

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Almost two-thirds of small businesses are out of business within 6 months of a cyber-attack

Is your business too small to be a target of cybercrime? Think again… 71% of malicious data breaches target businesses with less than 100 employees. Of that group, businesses with less than 10 employees were the most frequently attacked. SMBs have neither the money nor the manpower of large enterprises and can’t afford the same…

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A digital battle plan

There’s a war going on in cyberspace. Criminal masterminds are reaching across continents into your office and taking files hostage. This faceless enemy can cause havoc to your business by encrypting important files, and demanding a fee to release them. This criminal activity is called ransomware, and last year 40% of New Zealand businesses were impacted by it (PWC).

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