Category: Cybersecurity

Top 7 Cybersecurity Risks of Remote Work & How to Address Them

Remote work has become increasingly popular in recent times. It provides flexibility and convenience for employees. Additionally, telecommuting reduces office costs for employers. Many also cite productivity benefits due to fewer distractions. Research shows a 56% reduction in unproductive time when working at home vs. the office. But there are some drawbacks to working outside…

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These 5 Small Business Tech Trends Can Fuel Your Growth

In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, small businesses have more opportunities than ever. Many of these call for leveraging technology to their advantage. Embracing the right tech trends can help businesses compete. It enables them to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and fuel growth. But it can be confusing knowing which routes to take. Most small…

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Email Hacking Jumped 81% Last Year! Learn How to Fight It

In recent years, email has become an essential part of our daily lives. Many people use it for various purposes, including business transactions. With the increasing dependence on digital technology, cybercrime has grown. A significant cyber threat facing businesses today is Business Email Compromise (BEC) or as it is more commonly referred to email hacking.…

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How Can You Prevent your Cloud Apps from being Compromised?

Cloud account takeover has become a major problem for organisations. Think about how much work your company does that requires a username and password. Employees end up having to log into many different systems or cloud apps. Hackers use various methods to get those login credentials. The goal is to gain access to business data…

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Cyber Resilience is the new Cybersecurity

As we become more dependent on technology than ever, every business must actively monitor and manage their ‘Cyber Resilience’ risk. Cyber resilience refers to the ability of an organisation to withstand and recover from cyber-attacks, natural disasters, and other disruptions to critical infrastructure. In the face of increasingly sophisticated and frequent cyber threats, cyber resilience…

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Common Cybersecurity Myths Debunked

In many areas of our lives there are myths that we accept as fact. There are a number of cybersecurity myths that demand debunking to keep your business safe.  Here’s a couple of classics that need to be cleared up. #1 “I’m too small to be attacked.” Any size of business, in any industry, can…

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Why Regular Cyber Assessments are so Vital?

Building your organisation’s cyber resilience is just as important as building up your cash flow. Both are essential to business success, but while most businesses keep an eye on the financials, they tend to think cybersecurity is something they can set and forget. Unfortunately, cybercriminals are constantly coming up with new methods of attack and…

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Why should you be using a Password Manager?

The main advantage of a Password Manager is obvious to anyone with more than one account online (i.e. everyone). Instead of remembering all 100 usernames and passwords, a Password Manager autofills them. It’s a boon. But it’s not the only reason to use a Password Manager. This article shares several other key benefits. You can…

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Small Kiwi Businesses Can’t Sacrifice Cybersecurity

For the average kiwi business owner, it can be tempting to put cybersecurity efforts to the bottom of the list (until it’s too late!!!). We’ve heard all the excuses: “There’s so much to do,” “There’s not enough budget,” “Our business is too small to target,”. But right now, cybersecurity is a must-have for every business.…

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