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Manage your Cyber Risk
and Build Resilience

Protect your business - minimise the risk of a
cyber breach and build capabilities to respond
to and recover from a cyber attack.

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Proactive Managed
IT Services

Manage and support your current and future
technology needs to avoid downtime and disruption.

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Enhance the productivity
of your business?

Utilise your current tools and adopt new technology
to increase productivity and keep ahead.

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Your trusted technology partner

The myITmanager team partner with growing South Island businesses to provide:

  • Cyber security and resilience solutions to manage and reduce risk
  • Managed IT services to avoid downtime and disruption
  • Modern technology solutions to build productivity and keep you ahead
StartUp Programming Team. Website designer working digital tablet dock keyboard and computer laptop with smart phone and compact server on mable desk,light effect

Industry Stats


of New Zealand businesses
were attacked in the last year


of ransomware victims are
small businesses


of employers report remote working
has been successful

Industries we work with

Accountants & Professional Services
Regional Businesses
Insurance Brokers
Financial Advisors

Take your Cyber Risk Assessment

Are you managing your cybersecurity risk?
Take our online assessment in under 10 minutes to identify your key cybersecurity vulnerabilities and receive a report with recommendations on what you need to do.

StartUp Programming Team. Website designer working digital tablet dock keyboard and computer laptop with smart phone and compact server on mable desk,light effect

Check out our latest articles

Introducing myITmanager’s New Cyber Security Plans

Safeguarding you Against Modern Cyber Threats In today’s digital world, cyber threats are evolving at an unprecedented pace. To keep your business secure and resilient, myITmanager is pleased to announce our new suite of cyber plans. These plans are meticulously designed to protect your organisation against the latest and most sophisticated cyber threa...

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10 Easy Steps to Building a Culture of Cyber Awareness

Cyberattacks are a constant threat in today’s digital world. Phishing emails, malware downloads, and data breaches. They can cripple businesses and devastate personal lives. Employee error is the reason many threats get introduced to a business network. A lack of cybersecurity awareness is generally the culprit. People don’t know any better, so they ...

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The Hidden Costs of a Data Breach for Kiwi SMEs

Our business would be severely challenged if we lost the ability to use our technology systems or get access to our data such as client information, current jobs or billing information. I expect you’re the same. You know what it’s like if there is even a small power outage or the internet is down, we…...

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Our friendly local team speak your language and look forward to working with you.

What our clients say

Our friendly local team speak your language and look forward to working with you.